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Grace Bible Church Logo


Welcome to

Grace Bible Church

Wish you
were here.

Grace Bible Church gathers for worship on Sundays at 9:15, 11am, and 7pm.


Everyone is welcome and we'd love you to visit.



Sundays at 9:15, 11am, and 7pm.

(kids programs at 9:15 service)



Leith Bowling Club

2 Duke Street, North Dunedin



full of Grace
and Truth.

We're a Church that is centred on glorifying God for his grace to us in Jesus Christ, and focused on hearing and proclaiming God's word to us in the Bible.

A Church for the whole city ...

We have groups for kids and youth of all ages, uni students and young adults, women and men.

with a special heart for the University.

Because the key to thriving at uni is getting plugged into a great local church.

Good news,
for a change.

At Grace we strive to share faithful teaching from the Bible that celebrates God's good news—the gospel—and that makes a difference in real life.

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